WasatchUSB - bare bones USB communication with wasatch devices

USB cameras and devices from Wasatch Photonics

This module is intended to provide the absolute bare-minimum, pure python communication with a StrokerARMUSB board. These tests include communication with a Phidgets relay device, to place the device in a known power state. At Wasatch, we use this for verification of protocol …

LineGrab - Visualize single lines of data from a variety of cameras.

Manufacturing and alignment of spectrometers requires line scan visualization of camera output. Many vendors provide bare-bones or non existent line graphs. LineGrab uses a variety of communication techniques to provide full-screen line graph visualizations. These are critical for the precise alignment of spectrometers. See the WasatchCameraLink repository for a list …

LuminanceLabel - Animated overlay and on-screen luminance measurements

Demonstration video on youtube

Uses PyQt to place a transparent overlay on the screen, takes a screenshot and processes the area underneath the overlay designator. Luminance values are computed and displayed on the label, and written to stdout.

This is used for evaluting the displayed imagery at multiple frames per …