What are your tactics used to achieve this?

Perform the research, incorporation, execution cycle for each stage.


    Stay focused on the strategies from the known effective materials.
    Read them backwards and forwards, and at different times of day. 


    Part 1: 
        Write card stack for the subject.
        Memorize the cards precisely, with no higher order thinking.

    Part 2:
        Verify full, random order memorization.

    Part 3:
        Enter the mind gym. (See resources below)
        Visualize who you are becoming with the integration of these
            skills after the completion of part 4.
        Exit the mind gym.

    Part 4:
        Change the venue, and pick a random card.
        Perform self-talk with the contents of the card based on your
            current circumstances and goals.
        Repeat for all cards.


    Use the tactics from the known effective materials.
    Perform the key activities for the current stage.

Card Deck Images Front of Card
Deck Back of Card

Resources for the mind gym: The Way of the Seal, by Mark Divine page 30

SealFIT blog