Use PySide 1.2 and Python 2.7. Deploy to various HiDPI displays for testing.
You may see text that is either clipped, too large, or too small. Everything looks fine on Linux, but on Windows with the default scaling for HiDPI displays (125%), it can look like this:
You'll want it to look like this:
The solution is to modify your innosetup configuration to modify the registry:
; PySide/PyQt 4.x does not support HiDPI displays. This mitigation
; approach turns on system-wide preference for external manifest, then
; installs a custom manifest file
Root: HKLM64; Subkey: "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SideBySide"; ValueType: dword; ValueName: "PreferExternalManifest"; ValueData: "1"; check: IsWin64;
Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SideBySide"; ValueType: dword; ValueName: "PreferExternalManifest"; ValueData: "1"; check: "not IsWin64";
Then copy the manifest file:
; Manifest file for HiDPI mitigation - see above
Source: "support_files\Enlighten.exe.manifest"; DestDir: "{app}\Enlighten\"; Flags: recursesubdirs ignoreversion
All is well, except when running the application post install in InnoSetup.
If you run post install you will see the application run with the wrong HiDPI configuration, but if you run after the installer has terminated, the application looks correct.
The temporary fix is to disable running post install, and depend on the user to complete the install then run the application manually.
Do you have a solution for this? If so, please update the PySideApp demonstration application.