Free Tier amazon instances are a game changer. Here's how to set the windows micro instances to function as an ssh server for easier transfer of files. Skip to the bottom for billing considerations.
Tested using: Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Base - ami-fe446c9b t2-micro
Fedora Core 26 client (rdesktop)
Using the Amazon EC2 web interface: Create a key-pair name: amazon_key_pair.pem Download the keypair file. Create notifications to email when usage exceed free tier. This in practice should never happen, but it feels good. After instance launches, click connect. Click Get password.
Then start the remote desktop session with a command like:
rdesktop -u \ Administrator -p 'password' -g 1920x1000 -K On the linux machine, you may see an error message like: Failed to connect, CredSSP required by server. Fix this by installing freerdp, then running: xfreerdp /u:"Administrator" \ /
Directly on the Windows Server virtual machine: CRITICAL! Seriously consider turning off all windows defender options immediately. These can effectively make the system unusable. Alternatively, let them run and plan to use the server a day later once it has stabilized. CRITICAL! Start internet explorer, install Google Chrome Add all google domains (including ad trackers) that appear during the process to the whitelist. Install ublock origin from google chrome Change timezone and time if necessary Restart system The details steps below for ssh server installation are based heavily on the article on [LifeHacker]( Go to Download and run setup-x86_64.exe Accept default until mirror selection. Select as mirror search for openssh in Net group, install Make sure to select version 7.9p1-1 for the instructions below to work. (2019-06-03) Launch a cygwin command line window Execute command: ssh-host-config Strictmodes? Yes New local account sshd? Yes Install sshd as a service? Yes Enter the value of CYGWIN for the daemon: ntsec tty Do you want to use a different name? No Create a new priviledged account? Yes Set password: type in 8 character password with number and capital After setup is complete, change the ssh server port to 6787 Edit the file: /c/cygwin64/etc/sshd_config Change: #Port 22 to Port 6787 Then in a cygwin window, issue: net start sshd Then add the firewall port 6787 inbound rule to open. Firewall -> Advanced settings Inbound rules -> New Rule -> Port Port 6787, name Cygwin SSH Then change the amazon instance network rules to open port 6787 EC2 Dashboard -> Network and security -> Security Groups (Find most recent launch wizard, select) Actions -> Edit inbound rules Add rule for inbound port 6787 Actions -> Edit inbound rules Delete rule for inbound port 3389
From the Linux client machine:
# Create the ssh folder on the windows system. Make sure to use the same # Administrator password that you pulled down from the EC2 interface to # connect over remote desktop ssh "mkdir ~/.ssh" # Append the linux public key file to the remote list of authorized # keys. Not the .pem file, just your local system public key cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh Administrator@ec2_hostname \ "cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"
You can now ssh in with the command below, and tunnel the remote desktop connections over ssh:
autossh \ -M 0 \ -o "ServerAliveInterval 30" \ -o "ServerAliveCountMax 3" \ -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no \ -o port=6787 \ -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa \ -L 9833:localhost:3389 \ -R 6703:localhost:22 \ Administrator@ec2_hostname
Then on the windows computer, open a cygwin command prompt and verify the tunnel back to the host linux machine with:
ssh -o port=6703 localhost
To connect from a linux laptop to the remote windows instance over rdp, setup the tunnel in the autossh command above, then run the rdesktop command below.
rdesktop localhost:9983 -u \ Administrator -p 'from EC2 get password' -g 1920x1000 -K
Use the tagging strategy to track the costs on a per-project basis.
- At each new EC2 instance created, have the discipline to add a tag named 'project', with the value 'project_name'. For example:
project: predicatesai project: lls project: xgut
Go to the AWS billing console:
Cost Allocation tags -> Activate
Wait about 10 minutes
Select the 'project' tag, then click activate.
Wait 24 hours, now the tags will become available in the AWS Cost Explorer.
Now that you have some base windows images, you want to encrypt the
disks. Specifically the elastic block store volumes.
The instructions below are based heavily on:
Configure a machine according to the instructions above.
Select Instance -> Actions -> Image -> Create image
Wait for the instance image to appear in the "AMI" section.
Select the AMI you have just created then Actions -> Copy AMI
Select the same destination region. Append the word 'encrypted' to teh AMI name. Check 'Encryption', accept defaults.
Now you are running an encrypted base image.
Install the development environment. After that is complete, make another AMI image of the encrypted development environment. This is now the basic image you use to pull down new code, setup long term tests, etc.