Design a UI in Qt Designer on Linux. Commit it github, move to a windows system for testing. Now you get the message:

Cannot mix incompatible Qt library (version 0x40807) with this library
(version 0x40804)

What this means is that you included SVG files in one of your resource .qrc's. They look fine in QT Designer on both Linux and Windows. When you attempt to run the application, it fails with the error message above. Only on windows though. And only after creating the project on a Linux machine.

To fix this, aim to more closely match the environment configurations on both Linux and windows. The approach below will give you SVG and PNG support on Linux, but PNG support only on windows.

Windows setup:

git clone
conda create --name conda_dash_pyside_specified pyside=1.2.0
source activate conda_dash_pyside_specified
conda install numpy pillow pytest pyqtgraph pytest-cov                                    
python develop                                                                        

Linux setup:

git clone
conda create --name conda_dash_pyside_specified pyside=1.2.0
source activate conda_dash_pyside_specified
conda install numpy pillow pytest pyqtgraph pytest-cov                                    
conda remove pyside
pip install pyside==1.2.0
python develop                                                                        

Alternatively, run the following environment commands on linux and windows to get appropriate build environments including SVG.

git clone

conda create --name conda_dash_pyside_specified pyside=1.2.0

source activate conda_dash_pyside_specified

conda install numpy pillow pytest pyqtgraph pytest-cov

python develop

conda remove pyside

pip install pyside==1.2.4
# wheel install on windows, wait a long time on linux

