| Level: Intermediate Nathan Harrington, Programmer, IBM
09 Sep 2008 Unlike traditional single-screen setups, multi-screen display systems require
special consideration for user interfaces (UIs). This article presents tools and code
designed to address the acquisition and change of input focus across multiple displays.
Few modifications to your work environment can create a productivity change as dramatic
as adding an additional monitor. The open source Synergy package provides an excellent
method of linking many displays without purchasing additional hardware.
Unlike traditional single-screen setups, multi-screen display systems require special
consideration for UIs. This article presents tools and code designed to
address the acquisition and change of input focus across multiple displays. By
enhancing existing X Window System focus information using Ghosd displays and the
Synergy debug-level output, multi-screen users can know precisely where their input
focus is even on displays 4200x3150 pixels and larger.
A note about security
The code and techniques described here are an example of how to create
on-screen alerts. This is designed for use on machines running on a private network. It
is not for use on machines exposed directly to the Internet, where it is possible that
a malevolent program could attempt to execute arbitrary code on the machine. |
Synergy is designed to work across a wide variety of hardware and software. A fast
network is recommended, especially for producing animated or heavily alpha-blended Ghosd visuals.
Although the base functionality of Synergy is supported on a variety of operating
systems, this article uses Ghosd on a Linux® server to provide enhanced
on-screen displays (OSDs). In Synergy parlance, the server is the computer with the
master or shared keyboard and mouse, the primary screen, and operates the Synergy
server software. All other computers are Synergy clients and operate the Synergy client
software. Here is what you need to follow along:
- Synergy
- Synergy lets you share a single mouse
and keyboard between multiple computers with different operating systems, each with its own display, without special hardware.
- X Window System
- You'll need to be running Linux® or a compatible X
Window System server on your Synergy server and clients to achieve the results described herein. Since most desktop
computers running Linux or UNIX® have X Window System installed, it's safe to assume
it's already installed on your Linux or UNIX machine.
- Pango
- Pango is a library for laying out and rendering of text.
- GLib library
- Pango depends on V2.x series of the GLib
library, available from the GTK+ Project.
- Cairo
- Cairo is a 2-D graphics library with support for multiple output devices.
- Ghosd
- Ghosd is a library for flashing information to the screen in an attractive manner.
- Perl
- Perl is a stable cross-platform programming language.
Ubuntu users can install most of the above using the following command: sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev libpango1.0-dev libcairo2-dev perl
synergy .
General approach
Consider the six-screen Synergy setup shown in Figure 1. This image shows the
in- and out-of-focus designators produced by the code shown below in its final version.
If you step away from your multi-screen setup for a few minutes, you may find it
difficult to remember where you left the cursor and on which screen. Figure 1 shows a
series of green squares on the in-focus screen and faded-out red boxes on the other
displays. Read on for a description of how to create this visual, beginning with a
focus-tracking designator.
Figure 1. Example visualization six-screen setup
Building the in-focus visualization
Consult the file found in the Download section for the Ghosd source-code archive. Download
the Ghosd source code on the machine you intend to use as the Synergy server. Unpack
the Ghosd code archive with the command bzip2 -d
ghosd-0.0.1.tar.bz2 -c | tar -xvf - . Run the usual ./configure; make && make install commands to build the
Ghosd source and example files. If your build and installation is successful, you're
ready to create the first focus visualization, a series of green boxes indicating focus.
In-focus visualization
Change to the examples/ directory and rename the animation.c file using the command
mv animation.c original.animation.c . Create a new file
called animation.c and place the code shown in Listing 1 inside.
Listing 1. animation.c header,
round_rect function
// animation.c - modified ghosd example for Synergy focus designation
// borrows heavily from the ghosd animation.c example file
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/poll.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <cairo/cairo.h>
#include <ghosd/ghosd.h>
#define RADIUS 20
int sizeX = 1024;
int sizeY = 768;
int mode = 0; // 0 is alpha blended red border box, 1 is green boxes
typedef struct {
cairo_surface_t* foot;
float alpha;
} RenderData;
static void
round_rect(cairo_t *cr, int x, int y, int w, int h, int r) {
cairo_move_to(cr, x+r, y);
cairo_line_to(cr, x+w-r, y); /* top edge */
cairo_curve_to(cr, x+w, y, x+w, y, x+w, y+r);
cairo_line_to(cr, x+w, y+h-r); /* right edge */
cairo_curve_to(cr, x+w, y+h, x+w, y+h, x+w-r, y+h);
cairo_line_to(cr, x+r, y+h); /* bottom edge */
cairo_curve_to(cr, x, y+h, x, y+h, x, y+h-r);
cairo_line_to(cr, x, y+r); /* left edge */
cairo_curve_to(cr, x, y, x, y, x+r, y);
After the component includes and the variable declaration, the round_rect function is defined as borrowed verbatim from the Ghosd
examples/animation.c file. The round_rect function will
provide the highlighting in both the in-focus and out-of-focus visualizations. Next,
add the renderFocus function shown below.
Listing 2. renderFocus function
static void
renderFocus(Ghosd *ghosd, cairo_t *cr, void* data) {
RenderData *rdata = data;
// draw three squares to indicate focus
cairo_set_line_width( cr, 20);
cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, 0, 1, 0, rdata->alpha);
round_rect(cr, 10, 10, 380, 380, RADIUS);
cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, 0, 1, 0, rdata->alpha);
round_rect(cr, 40, 40, 320, 320, RADIUS);
cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, 0, 1, 0, rdata->alpha);
round_rect(cr, 70, 70, 260, 260, RADIUS);
cairo_set_source_surface(cr, rdata->foot, 0,0);
When a display comes into focus, the renderFocus function
will draw three rounded rectangles of consecutively smaller areas on the available rendering
surface. Listing 3 presents the main program logic and calls the renderFocus function.
Listing 3. animation.c main logic
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
Ghosd *ghosd;
RenderData data = {0};
struct timeval tv_nextupdate;
const int STEP = 50;
float dalpha = 0.10;
if( argc == 4 )
sizeX = atoi( argv[1] );
sizeY = atoi( argv[2] );
mode = atoi( argv[3] );
ghosd = ghosd_new();
if( mode == 0 )
// create a small canvas and draw the green focus boxes
data.foot = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, 400,400);
data.alpha = 1;
ghosd_set_position(ghosd, (sizeX/2)-200, (sizeY/2)-200, 400, 400);
ghosd_set_render(ghosd, renderFocus, &data);
}//if focus mode
// ghosd_flash is not ideal for this example, so fade out quickly and exit
for (;;)
gettimeofday(&tv_nextupdate, NULL);
tv_nextupdate.tv_usec += STEP*1000;
ghosd_main_until(ghosd, &tv_nextupdate);
data.alpha -= dalpha;
if (data.alpha <= 0.3) { return(0); }
}//for each step fade out
Again borrowing heavily from the Ghosd examples/animation.c file, the main loop creates
a 400x400 alpha-blended surface area. This surface is then positioned in
the center of the screen no matter what the resolution, and the renderFocus function is designated to be called during each render pass.
Although ghosd_flash provides a useful interface for fading
text in and out, a simple fade-out is better for this visualization. The for loop, therefore, reduces the alpha-blending amount in each pass to
create an effective fade-out before the program exits.
To build this file, execute the make command, followed by
./animation 1400 1050 0 . Assuming your screen resolution is
1400x1050, you should see a series of green boxes in the center of the screen.
Extracting focus information from Synergy output
With the visualization made, it's time to display it on the screen with current focus
in a Synergy configuration. Synergy makes this relatively easy, as it provides a wide
range of debug level output perfectly suited for this task.
Create a file called processSynergy.pl beginning with the contents of Listing 4.
Listing 4. processSynergy.pl variables, main loop
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# processSynergy.pl - read Synergys DEBUG2 events
use strict;
my %disp = (); # record display geometries, focus states
my $delay = 5; # time in seconds
my $inTimeout = 0; # timeout mode switcher
my $osdOn = 0; # on screen display switcher
my $lastTime = time; # monitor last activity
while( my $line = <STDIN> )
$line =~ s/"//g;
if( $line =~ /404: received client / )
# client connection geometry recording an initial setup
my @parts = split " ", $line;
my $name = $parts[4];
$disp{$name}{mode} = 1;
$disp{$name}{X} = (split "x", $parts[7])[0];
$disp{$name}{Y} = (split "x", $parts[7])[1];
print "$name geometry $parts[7]\n";
After declaring variables (most of which are used later in the focus timeout checks),
the program enters a loop listening for Synergy events on STDIN . The first if statement handles the client connection messages and adds each
display information to the %disp hash . Listing 5 listens for
the "focus-switch" messages.
Listing 5. Focus-switch checks
}elsif( $line =~ / switch from / )
# track changes of focus between clients
my $name = (split " ", $line)[6];
$disp{$name}{mode} = 0;
# set all other displays to inactive
map{ $disp{$_}{mode} = 1 if( $_ ne $name ) } keys %disp;
$lastTime = time; $inTimeout = 0;
print "switch to $name\n";
my $res = "export DISPLAY=$name:0; ";
$res .= "./animation $disp{$name}{X} $disp{$name}{Y} $disp{$name}{mode} &";
}#if switch screen catch
}#while line in
As Synergy tracks the focus change between displays, the messages are read by the
processSynergy.pl program. After updating the data structure containing information on
all the displays (again, used later in the focus-timeout checks), the animation program
is called with the resolution values recorded when the client connected.
To create a focus-tracking designator, run the following command on the machine setup
as the Synergy server: synergys -f -c configFile --debug DEBUG2
2>&1 | perl processSynergy.pl . You may have to connect to each of your
clients and issue a xhost + SynergyServer where
"SynergySever" is the name of the machine where the animation program is being run.
Move the mouse around into various windows to see the focus designator track across your display and gradually fade out.
Building a timeout-focus multi-screen designator
Creating a nonfocused visualization
One simple and effective way of indicating nonfocus is to place a red box around an
alpha-blended snapshot of the screen. Consult Figure 1 for an example of what
this can look like. To create a nonfocused visualization for use with the multi-screen
focus designator, add the code shown in Listing 6 at line 57 in animation.c.
Listing 6. renderBox function
static void
renderBox(Ghosd *ghosd, cairo_t *cr, void* data) {
RenderData *rdata = data;
// draw a red box around a alpha blended center
cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, 0, 0, 0, 0.5);
round_rect(cr, 0,0, sizeX,sizeY, RADIUS);
cairo_set_line_width( cr, 10);
cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, 1, 0, 0, 1.0);
round_rect(cr, 0,0, sizeX, sizeY, RADIUS);
cairo_set_source_surface(cr, rdata-<foot, 0,0 );
Once again, heavily influenced by the Ghosd examples/animation.c file, the renderBox
function draws a full-screen alpha-blended square, followed by a red border around the
image. To correctly call this function, insert the code shown in Listing 7 at line 106.
Listing 7. Red-box logic branch
// create a full screen box, and draw the red box with faded center
data.foot = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, sizeX, sizeY);
data.alpha = 1;
ghosd_set_position(ghosd, 0, 0, sizeX, sizeY );
ghosd_set_render(ghosd, renderBox, &data);
These particular visualizations are designed to persist until killed by the
processSynergy.pl program. At line 117, change the code shown below:
Listing 8. Previous render loop
for (;;)
gettimeofday(&tv_nextupdate, NULL);
tv_nextupdate.tv_usec += STEP*1000;
ghosd_main_until(ghosd, &tv_nextupdate);
data.alpha -= dalpha;
if (data.alpha <= 0.3) { return(0); }
}//for each step fade out
Listing 9. New render loop
for (;;)
ghosd_main_until(ghosd, &tv_nextupdate);
}//continuous render until program killed
To build this file, execute the make command, followed by:
./animation 1400 1050 1 . Assuming your screen resolution is
1400x1050, you should see a faded screen with a red box surrounding it. Press Ctrl+c to exit the visualization.
Modifications to processSynergy.pl for focus-timeout checks
To track which screen has the focus, as well as when input has stopped, make the
modifications described below to processSynergy.pl. Begin by removing lines 47-49 and
replace them with the code in Listing 10.
Listing 10. Motion, key check logic branch; heartbeat logic branch
}elsif( $line =~ / MotionNotify / || $line =~ / KeyPress / ||
$line =~ /event: Buton/ )
# reset time on keyboard and mouse events
$lastTime = time; $inTimeout = 0;
}elsif( $line =~ / writef\(CALV\)/ )
# check for timeouts at each hearbeat
next unless ( (time - $lastTime) > $delay && $inTimeout == 0);
$inTimeout = 1;
$osdOn =1;
for my $key ( keys %disp )
my $res = "export DISPLAY=$key:0; ";
$res .= "./animation $disp{$key}{X} $disp{$key}{Y} $disp{$key}{mode} &";
}#for each display name
print "timer exceeded\n";
}#if client
Each new mouse or keyboard event resets the lastTime variable, as processed by the
first elsif branch. The second elsif branch looks for the
CALV "heartbeat" sent by clients to the server. If a certain number of seconds have
expired since the last motion has occurred, the visualizations are displayed on their
appropriate screens. Add the code shown in Listing 11 at line 71 to finish the
processSynergy.pl modifications.
Listing 11. destroy animation processes on activity
if( $inTimeout == 0 && $osdOn == 1)
# destroy on screen display process
system("ps -aef | grep animation | perl -lnae '`kill -9 \$F[1]`'");
$osdOn = 0;
print "terminate osd\n";
}#if on screen display is visible
Note that this approach is dependent on the CALV heartbeat connection from
at least one client. If your network become unavailable or the CALV message is
otherwise not present, the focus designators may appear incorrectly.
To use this completed timeout-focus designator, run the following command on the
machine set up as the Synergy server: synergys -f -c configFile --debug DEBUG2 2>&1 | perl processSynergy.pl .
Again, you may have to connect to each of your clients and issue a xhost + SynergyServer if the visualizations do not display. After no
keyboard or mouse activity for "delay" seconds (5 seconds, in this case), the
currently in-focus screen will have a set of green boxes displayed, while the
nonfocused screens will display the alpha-blended red-bordered boxes.
Conclusion, further modifications
Use the Synergy output monitoring code and the Ghosd visuals to track your focus and
provide a visual queue to the current focus after a certain time threshold is reached.
Now when you return to your displays, you can save time hunting for your cursor through all those screens.
Consider adding animation to your designators for a more eye-catching display (watch
out for memory leaks in the available libraries). Link your terminal sessions with
the current Synergy focus information to provide display updates for the remote system
on the currently viewed screen. If you can think of a visual, Ghosd, and the Synergy debug information can help you display it.
Download Description | Name | Size | Download method |
Sample code | os-ghosd-synergyFocus.zip | 3KB | HTTP |
Resources Learn
Check out the Ubuntu Guide
for using Synergy.
This article builds on some of the techniques in "Create fancy
on-screen displays with Ghosd and Perl" on IBM developerWorks.
You'll need to be running Linux or a compatible X
Window System server on your Synergy server and clients to achieve the results described herein.
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Get products and technologies
Download Synergy,
which allows you to share a single mouse and keyboard between multiple computers with
different operating systems, each with its own display, without special hardware.
Download Pango, which is a library for laying out and rendering of text.
Download the GLib library, which is
available from the GTK+ Project.
Download Cairo, which is a 2-D graphics library with support for multiple output devices.
Download Ghosd, which is a library
for flashing information to the screen in an attractive manner. It is well documented on its home page.
Download Perl, which is a stable cross-platform programming language.
Innovate your next open source development project with IBM trial software, available for download or on DVD.
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About the author | | | Nathan Harrington is a programmer at IBM currently working with Linux and resource-locating technologies. |
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